Final Fantasy Randomizer
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Starter Presets
These presets showcase some of the major game variations, while also designed to be accessible to newer players. When you are ready for more challenge, try the Intermediate presets, or browse the tabs to start customizing your own game.
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Introduction to the randomizer, and the basis for most of the other presets.
All key items are loose, which means they can be found in any chest.
Instead of lighting 4 Orbs, you must find 28 Shards to unlock the Temple of Fiends.
Removes the Floater from the game, so you can't get the airship, but adds new docks so you can get everywhere you need to go.
Applies the bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements to the base game, but does not randomize anything.
Overworld entrances (except for towns) are shuffled together, as are cave and dungeon floors.
Explore a completely new, randomly generated overworld.
Intermediate Presets
For players looking for more challenge.
You can enter the final dungeon immediately at the start of the game.
All bosses rush modeled after the open world gameplay style of FF4: Free Enterprise.
Chaos is hidden in a random chest and must be found to be defeated.
Removes the overworld from the game - towns and dungeons are connected directly by stairs and warps.